How to bundle Boost

Currently, the code is shipped with a subset of Boost v. 1.63. In the future, somebody may think of upgrading to a new version, or of using more Boost modules. That is how I took the current subset:

  tar -jxf boost_1_63_0.tar.bz2
  cd boost_1_63_0
  ./bjam tools/bcp
  ls ./tools/bcp/
  mkdir $HOME/install/boost/1.63_bundle
  ./dist/bin/bcp tools/build boost/program_options.hpp boost/algorithm/string.hpp boost/filesystem.hpp boost/lexical_cast.hpp $HOME/install/boost/1.63_bundle
  ./dist/bin/bcp --report tools/build boost/program_options.hpp boost/algorithm/string.hpp boost/filesystem.hpp boost/lexical_cast.hpp $HOME/install/boost/1.63_bundle.html